
Solutions for your business development

We listen to you, help to set targets and build winning business development strategy

We help to ensure high-quality management of the procurement procedure
We help to attract financing from Altum, banks and other credit institutions
EU funds
We help to attract European Structural funds for your business development projects
Business Efficiency
We help to implement LEAN approach to improve efficiency and optimize costs

Our mission

To promote the development and competitiveness of your company

Our services

About us

Promise less, deliver more

We understand the importance of operative and qualitative work, therefore we always take immediate action and deliver the best possible result in order to achieve only positive project outcome.


Less surprises, more satisfaction

We do everything to make project implementation process without any unexpectable  surprises. We identify and minimize risks connected to the realization of the project and strive only for the positive result.

Less uncertainty, more clarity

We provide clear, practical and useful business solutions. We try to minimize the work load of our clients and take care of the full project implementation process.

Achievements of our clients = our driving force

Our mission is to provide strategical business solutions that never miss the aim. As our successfully realized investment projects show, we focus only on the achievement of real and tangible goals.

Par mums

Mazāk solām, vairāk darām

Mūsu darba pieeju raksturo tieksme uz izcili paveiktiem darbiem. Mēs apzināmies operatīva un kvalitatīva darba vērtību, tādēļ tūlītēja rīcība un profesionāli paveikts darbs ir darba procesa vadmotīvs.

Mazāk pārsteigumu, vairāk gandarījuma

Darām visu, lai projekta īstenošanas procesā būtu mazāk pārsteigumu un vairāk gandarījuma. Priekšlaicīgi minimizējam ar projekta īstenošanu saistītos riskus un tiecamies tikai uz pozitīvu rezultātu.

Mazāk raižu, vairāk skaidrības

Sniedzam skaidrus, praktiskus, komercdarbībai noderīgus risinājumus. Cenšamies pēc iespējas vairāk atvieglot mūsu klientu darba slogu un nodrošināt pilvērtīgu projekta īstenošanas procesu.


Mūsu klientu sasniegumi = mūsu dzinējspēks

Mūsu darba misija ir sniegt uzņēmējdarbības risinājumus, kas vienmēr sasniedz savus mērķus. Orientējamies tikai uz reāla, taustāma rezultātu sasniegšanu, ko pierāda mūsu veiksmīgi īstenotie investīciju projekti vairāku gadu garumā.

Years’ experience

Number of realized projects

Value of realized projects, EUR

Our clients


Solutions that have always achieved their goal

About us


Dobeles Dzirnavnieks recommends PMF Group as a professional project management company. The team is proactive, knowledgeable and performance oriented, which we value in our mutual cooperation.

AS Dobeles Dzirnavnieks

PMF Group is team of professionals. Everything is done at a high level, in good quality and on time. The project monitoring and management is also excellent.

AS Monify

PMF Group provides high quality, professional and accurate project management and are excellent cooperation partners.

Central Finance and Contracting Agency of Latvia

Successful cooperation, professional communication and attitude to work, result-oriented team. It is a real pleasure to cooperate!

Central Union of Latvian milk manufacturers

Thank you for cooperation, PMF Group! I got answers to all the questions very quickly and competently, I felt the interest of their employees for the success of our company. I recommend working with PMF Group – highest appreciation and gratitude!


We have been cooperating with the PMF Group for many years in attracting European Structural Funds and other financial instruments. Our cooperation is fast and professional, we rely on the PMF Group offer and vision, and we are pleased with the results achieved. We can safely recommend the PMF Group for cooperation with other companies as well!

SIA GPU Nākotne

PMF Group is a company focused on mutually successful cooperation, providing the best and most efficient solutions for maximum results! Our long-term cooperation from day one is based on quality of work, competence of employees and mutual trust.


The PMF Group is fully aware that successful project management requires the practical experience of project managers themselves and a strong interest in the customer’s business. The PMF Group projects differ with a very high level of personal involvement at each stage of the project, excellence in details and finding a solution to non-standard situations.


We are pleased with our cooperation with the PMF Group and the results we have achieved, which was done qualitatively and promptly. All tasks were completed on time, within the project deadlines. Līrikera-M recommends the PMF Group as a reliable and good partner, if it is necessary to develop the best strategy for financing and business development.

SIA Līrikera-M

The work was carried out quickly and with high quality, taking into account our wishes and deadlines. We recommend PMF Group as professionals in this market! We are very pleased with the results of our cooperation and are looking forward to continue our successful cooperation.


Our collaboration with the PMF Group made the best impression. All tasks were successfully completed and all obligations were performed within the deadlines. Throughout the project, the PMF Group has proven itself as a highly professional team, which solves the tasks promptly and qualitatively!

SIA Top Food


Strategies for sustainable business development

Constant progress, growth and development of your business is the key factor of the sustainable business model. Every goal is achievable, if it has an appropriate strategy.

Our partners