SIA "Eko Ģilde" fish farm construction

SIA "Eko Ģilde" fish farm construction

Until now, SIA Eko Ģilde operated in the forestry and agricultural sectors. Seeing high perspectives in the aquaculture sector, the company’s management decided to diversify its business profile and start project implementation in aquaculture – by creating a pikeperch farming complex on a plot of land owned by SIA Eko Ģilde in Cēsis district.

The aim of the project is to establish an aquaculture farm, expanding the company’s existing operations, creating a pikeperch farming complex with full-cycle aquaculture from caviar to commercial fish, using the advantages of recirculation systems. Co-financing from EU funds was attracted for the implementation of the project.


Company SIA “Eko Ģilde”
Area of business Forestry and aquaculture
Name of the project SIA “Eko Ģilde” fish farm construction
Project Nr. 16-00-F02202-000022
Realization date September 2017 – March 2018
Support program Productive investments in aquaculture
Cooperation institution Rural Support Service
Aim of the project Expansion and diversification of the company’s economic activity by starting to grow aquaculture products.
Description of the project Within the framework of the project, a fish farm will be built and a complex of fish farming equipment will be purchased.
Total costs 919 876 EUR
Planned co-financing of EU funds 459 938 EUR