Strategic project A/S Tukuma Piens strategic development of organic milk production

Strategic project A/S Tukuma Piens strategic development of organic milk production

A/S Tukuma Piens is one of the largest dairy processors in Latvia, which works with 225 suppliers and produces more than 180 different dairy products, including the Baltais Exports brand
fresh dairy products, “Baltais EKO branded ecological products: yogurts, curd, cream, kephir, etc.


Company A/S “Tukuma Piens”
Area of business One of the biggest milk processing companies in Latvia
Name of the project Strategic project “A/S “Tukuma Piens” strategic development of production of organic milk, giving an important contribution to the growth of agriculture.
Project Nr. 17-00-A00402-000089
Realization date June 2018 – December 31, 2019
Support program Support for the investments in processing
Cooperation institution Rural support center
Aim of the project The aim of the project is to stimulation of organic milk production, its processing, development of export products, which would give a significant contribution to the development of agriculture.
Description of the project In the scope of the project, it is planned to construct a new warehouse to store the organic products, to adapt current warehouses for the production space, and to adapt current warehouses to the production of organic products. In addition to that, the purchase of new equipment and new product lines are planned and the acquisition of certification for export activities.
Total costs 9 653 052 EUR
Planned co-financing of EU funds 4 826 526 EUR

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