SIA DziNo holiday house in Saulkrasti

SIA DziNo holiday house in Saulkrasti

With additional funding from EU funds, a new tourism project is being implemented in Saulkrasti – a holiday and recreation complex “Namiņš pie Baltās Kāpas”. It is located in a unique place, only 150 meters from the Balta Kapa of Saulkrasti, which is a favorite attraction for locals and tourists. A variety of additional services will be offered, such as cane and bicycle rental, tours and transfers.


Company SIA DziNo
Area of business Tourism and guest accommodation
Name of the project Establishment of a multifunctional holiday and recreation complex in Saulkrasti
Project Nr. 19-04-AL11-A019.2101-000007
Realization date 2019 – 2021
Support program LEADER LAP 19.2. “Implementation of the action in accordance with the community-led local development strategy”
Cooperation institution Rural Support Service
Aim of the project The aim of the project is to create a new holiday and recreation complex in Saulkrasti, integrating the cultural and natural heritage of Saulkrasti municipality and promoting the overall development of the tourism industry in Saulkrasti municipality.
Description of the project As a result of the project implementation, a new modular house will be built in Saulkrasti, Saules Street 9, which is located less than 10 minutes away from the beautiful beach. Residents of the holiday house will have the opportunity to enjoy a leisurely rest in nature, go on exploratory excursions, rent bicycles, rent hiking sticks, receive transfer services.
Total costs 26 177.28 EUR
Planned co-financing of EU funds 18 324.10 EUR

More information about the company on their website: