SIA Kaķi purchase of agricultural tractor

SIA Kaķi purchase of agricultural tractor

SIA “Kaķi” is engaged in ostrich breeding and sale of ostrich meat. The company’s farm has more than 120 ostriches, 8 of them are breeders. The company provides a full ostrich growing cycle. Before the implementation of the project, the company purchased the main raw material – feed on several suppliers. During the implementation of the project, SIA “Kaķi” purchased an agricultural tractor with accessories, as a result of which it is now able to provide the farm with hay fodder and litter, cultivating the land it owns, thus reducing dependence on suppliers. As a result, the company achieved a reduction in production costs.

Company SIA Kaķi
Area of business Ostrich farming
Name of the project SIA Kaķi purchase of agricultural tractor
Project Nr. 16-08-A00401-002191
Realization date January 2017 – March 2017
Support program Support for the investments in agricultural holding
Cooperation institution Rural support center
Aim of the project The aim of the project is to improve the operational processes of the agricultural holding and provide it with the necessary tractor equipment, which is essential for ensuring the economic activity of the company.
Description of the project Within the framework of the project, an agricultural tractor was purchased, which will allow more efficient use of the resources on the farm – arable land and meadows.
Total costs 55 465.00 EUR
Planned co-financing of EU funds 16 639.50 EUR
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