Business efficiency

In today’s rapidly changing business environment many companies are looking for improving their processes and increasing operational efficiency, to save time and resources and reduce production costs.

We offer LEAN transformation concept, that is all-round approach to operation efficiency.

Lean Transformation is a change management process that aims to maximize value that end client receives. One of the major steps in achieving this aim is eliminating production/service created waste, that leads to noticeable cost savings.

Lean approach solves such problems like low production outputs, bad delivery discipline, poor production quality, at the same time creating sustainable continuous improvement culture within the company.

Over the last few years our company’s experts and consultants have gained valuable experience in performing LEAN transformation and leading changes, working with such companies as STRABAG LATVIA SIA, SEVERSTAL DISTRIBUTION SIA, ECOGEN SIA, PIEJŪRA SIA and others.

Today we see LEAN as one of the major directions for further developing Latvian production & service industry’s capabilities.

Management system

Developing LEAN KPI’s for company’s performance. Finding optimal function-responsibility equilibriums for business units, internal departments or even individual contributors. Reworking processes and production algorithms.

Developing and implementing individual and group efficiency monitoring and motivation systems and agreements.

People and culture

Coaching employees and management. Offering solutions and coaching management on increasing employee engagement into company’s life and working process.

Developing solutions on management feedback to employees and information visualization, as well as, increasing H&S awareness between employees.

Operations systems

Coaching employees on LEAN tools and approaches with immediate implementation. Improving production and service process efficiency, using data analysis approach, process reengineering and standartization.

Performing continuous efficiency audits. Developing and leading projects to increase client satisfaction.

Business efficiency implementation and activities performed


Technological department and machinery workshops:

  • Efficiency audit and functional analysis
  • Wasteful process identification and elimination, remaining process reengineering
  • LEAN KPI’s development for reengineered processes
  • Workspace reorganization project

Construction and tendering departments:

  • Functional analysis and process identification and mapping
  • Project portfolio 3-level planning algorithm created
  • Collaborative (LEAN) planning approach implemented and employees trained
  • Motivation system developed and implemented
  • Project budgeting and cost tracking approach implemented and employees trained


Employee number decrease

Budget savings, EUR


Time savings


Planned profit increase

LEAN helps to solve

  • Production output increase
  • Delivery/production time decrease
  • Project delay elimination
  • Profit increase
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Increased production and service quality
  • Overcomplexity

LEAN gains

  • Continuous improvement atmosphere
  • Higher added value creation
  • Higher work efficiency
  • Simpler processes
  • Higher employee contribution
  • Waste elimination


Find out what your business can do to increase efficiency and competitiveness
