ES fondu atbalsts ar lauksaimniecību nesaistītu darbību attīstībā vai dažādošanā, kā arī tūrisma aktivitāšu veicināšanā.
Tag: ES fondi

Strategic project A/S Tukuma Piens strategic development of organic milk production
Within the framework of the project, large-scale investments will be made in the development of the organic milk processing production…

SIA Senga modernization of fish processing production and purchase of technological equipment, 2nd stage
Within the framework of the project, powerful and modern production technological equipment, laboratory equipment, and business equipment will be purchased.

SIA Top Food purchase of cheese production equipment, 3rd stage
Within the framework of the project, it is planned to purchase more powerful production equipment and lines, which will increase…

SIA Top Food tehnoloģisko ražošanas iekārtu iegāde siera ražošanai, 3. kārta
Projekta ietvaros tiek plānots iegādāties jaudīgākas ražošanas iekārtas un līnijas, kas kāpinās esošās ražotnes jaudu un ļaus papildināt produkcijas sortimentu.

SIA Gaļas pārstrādes uzņēmums Nākotne purchase of the processing equipment
Within the framework of the project, new production equipment will be purchased, which will significantly increase the efficiency and competitiveness…